Great Tips for Successful Project Management
Deciding on how to get started on a new project does require creating a project management plan and sticking to it. If you just jump in with no established goals or objectives, your project will not turn out how you plan and may not succeed.
Project management processes can be broken down into six phases or stages:
- Initiation
- Planning and Defining
- Execution/Launch
- Control and Manage
- Close
- Follow-Up
No matter what type or size of project you are planning, it is essential to use these six stages. Within each of these phases, there are specific tasks one should complete before moving on to the next project stage. We will take a look at some of the more common tips to use for successful project management.

Phase 1 Tips:
- The goal of the initiation phase is to conduct research to determine if the project is feasible and create a broad project definition.
Phase 2 Tips:
- The project definition should be refined to focus on exactly what it is you want to accomplish.
- When creating goals, make sure to be as specific as possible. The more specific a goal is, the easier it is to achieve.
- Using your goals, decide what tasks will be needed to achieve these.
- Once you have your goals and tasks created, develop a project timeline. It is okay that tasks overlap if they can be completed independently.
- Determine which tasks should have a higher priority over others and attempt to complete these first.
- It is acceptable to build extra time into the timeline for any unexpected and anticipated changes that may occur.
Phase 3 Tips:
- Choose and build your project work teams and determine who will be completing which tasks.
- As project manager, make sure to take charge of your entire project team and give direction to each and every person.
- Develop a project tracking system to monitor progress.
- Attempt to maintain your timeline and goals.
- Hold periodic project status meetings to determine where everyone is at with their assigned tasks.
- Be prepared to adjust your project schedule as issues or changes are needed.
- Modify your project goals, objectives, and tasks as needed.
- Keep communications open with your teams so they know where everyone else is at in completing their tasks.
Phase 4 Tips:
This stage of the project is about taking measurements to verify whether your project’s performance is meeting its objectives and goals, as well as if it is on track.
- Determine what KPIs (key performance indicators) to use.
- KPIs will vary from one project to another, so only select those relevant for your project.
- Check on progress regularly by reviewing the timeline, completed tasks, and other information that indicates performance.
Phase 5 Tips:

Once you reach the end of your project timeline, you are ready to close the project down. Make sure to thank everyone for their time, effort, and contributions. Often, project managers will make the project closing a meeting or event where valuable teams are recognized and everyone’s efforts are celebrated.
Phase 6 Tips:
In the follow-up phase, you will want to review what went well and what did not. If you did not get everything completed as you originally wanted, you should use this stage to make a list of what you still want to do. This list can be used to create a new project.
We hope these tips help you when planning and preparing for your own projects. Feel free to contact our uniform supply company at (800) 767-5536 for help with all your work uniform and supply needs. Prudential Overall Supply offers rentals, leasing, and direct sales of thousands of items.