The Only National Laundry Provider Fully ISO Certified For Every Operating Unit

PCS ISO Certification

ISO Certification

ISO 9001 Certification

Prudential Cleanroom Services, the world leader in cleanroom laundry service systems, is ISO 9001 certified for its Quality Management System. This certification applies to Prudential’s corporate headquarters, Distribution Center, and its national network of seven cleanroom laundry processing facilities and eleven industrial facilities. The scope of the Quality Management System ISO certification includes providing Cleanroom Apparel and other contamination control products and services for use in controlled environments and industrial apparel and other ancillary products and services for use in industrial environments.

The certification is based upon a certification and surveillance audits. Prudential undertook the quality certification process as part of its long-term commitment to our customers to provide ‘best-in-class’ contamination control products and services.

Click here to view our ISO Certificates.