Tips to Keep Cool in the Summer

Summer is officially here and, for many professionals who work outdoors, staying cool and comfortable is a challenge. Heat can quickly sap one’s energy, and can lead to dangerous health problems if left unchecked. OSHA estimates that more than 30 workers a year are killed on the job due to heat stroke. Here are some tips for staying cool in the heat while on the job:

Wear the Right Clothes

While it might be tempting to wear as little as possible in the extreme heat of summer, you run the risk of getting sunburned. You’ll want uniforms that protect you from the sun, and which aren’t so tight that they prevent air from circulating around your body. A good uniform supply company will be able to supply you with the appropriate clothing for any type of outdoor job.

Tips to Keep Cool in the Summer

There are a number of things to be aware of when working outdoors in the summer:

  • Ultraviolet rays are radioactive and can cause wrinkles, premature aging, and skin cancer. It’s important to wear long-sleeve, loose-fitting clothing when working in the sun, to protect your skin from excessive exposure.
  • Sunscreen can help, as well. Make sure it’s at least 30 SPF (sun protection factor).
  • A hat is a good idea, too, and not just a baseball cap. A wide-brimmed hat will protect your ears and neck, in addition to your face and scalp. Sunglasses are good, too, provided they block out both UVA and UVB rays.

Clothes with natural fibers, such as our cotton uniform shirts, are the best choice for outdoor work in the summer.

Stay Hydrated

You’d be surprised at the amount of hydration you lose through sweating. If it’s 100 degrees or above while you’re on the job, you’ll want to drink about 4 cups of water every hour, and avoid caffeine.

Other liquids, like sports drinks, could be helpful, too, as they contain electrolytes – potassium and sodium – which are known for carrying nutrients into cells and carrying wastes out, in addition to maintaining the fluid balance of your cells.


Eat the Right Foods

A good breakfast is essential if you’re going to be working outside all day. Avoid having a huge lunch, which could diminish your energy. Instead, pack some small snacks to eat throughout the day, such as cool, fresh fruit, to give your brain a boost of sugar every now and then.

Keep Your Head Cool

You lose much of your body heat through your head – there are a great number of blood vessels in your scalp, so naturally heat dissipates from your head. Keeping your head cool is a great way to beat the heat of summer. You can buy shade attachments for your hard hat, or invest in one of several gadgets – like hard hat cooling systems, or a battery powered fan – to help stave off the heat.

Prudential Overall Supply cares deeply about the safety of all workers, and we can answer any questions you have about working outdoors during the summer. As one of the premier uniform rental companies, we can provide whatever uniform you need for any type of work.