Workplace Safety By The Numbers
Workplace safety is essential for any business, no matter the industry. Having employees that are safe and healthy allows your organization to run smoothly and more effectively. It is important as a leader in your organization to find ways to minimize risk of incidents and injury. In 2012, nearly three million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported. This leads to loss of productivity and resources, but with proper training and policies in place organizations can reduce the amount of incidents and make the job safer for all.
The total cost of workplace injuries to businesses in 2012 was $198.2 billion and a collective 60 million workdays were lost due to incidents that could have possibly been prevented. Common events that lead to workers missing time include overexertion, slips and falls, and being struck by products or workplace equipment. While it is near impossible to prevent all accidents from happening on the job, a comprehensive workplace safety program can decrease the likelihood of injury by half.