PCS Acquires MSR-FSR’s Cleanroom Laundry in the Portland, OR area serving the Pacific North West

Prudential Cleanroom Services

Prudential Cleanroom Services, an industry leader in cleanroom garment rental laundry services, today announced that it has acquired MSR-FSR’s cleanroom laundry in the Portland, Oregon area, serving customers throughout the Pacific North West.
Tom Watts, President of Prudential Overall Supply, says, “We are excited to offer MSR-FSR’s customers the best possible service experience. The depth and experience of our production and service teams along with our product and service offering will help us meet this goal.”
Mr. Watts continued, “by being a conservatively held and debt free Company, it has put Prudential in a position to execute strategic acquisition opportunities that will put Prudential in the best possible position to provide our customers with world class service.”

About Prudential:

Prudential Cleanroom Services is a division of Prudential Overall Supply, established 1932. Since 1960, Prudential Cleanroom Services is recognized as a world leader in cleanroom laundry processing services.  Prudential’s network of ISO 9001:2008 certified ISO Class3 cleanroom laundry processing facilities extend service programs throughout North America, Puerto Rico and Malaysia.


MSR-FSR is an international service provider that supports businesses operating in the high technology sectors, predominantly semiconductor, life sciences and alternative energy. MSR-FSR’s managed engineering services and parts refurbishment services are the core of its business.

Release date: 09/20/2013

Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 250-4850 ext 275

Source: Irvine, CA

By: Jerry Martin, VP Sales & Marketing

About the author

Jerry Martin is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Prudential Overall Supply, a leading provider of workplace uniforms and personal protective equipment (PPE) to a wide range of industries and organizations. Currently President of the Board of Directors for the American Reusable Textile Association (ARTA) where he works on projects to further the benefits of reusable textiles versus disposable alternatives. Martin also contributes to the Textile Rental Service Association (TRSA) where he is a former chairman of the association's Marketing & PR committee and helped establish TRSA’s international standard for its Clean Green certification program.