PCS Offers Customers the Green Sheet: Sustainability Improvement Document
Prudential Cleanroom Services, a world leader in cleanroom laundry service systems, today announced that customers will receive a Green Sheet during Prudential’s customer visitation process. The Green Sheet identifies a customer’s sustainability improvements achieved by selecting cleanroom reusable coveralls versus disposable alternatives.
The basis of this information resulted from a life cycle assessment (LCA) study conducted by Environmental Clarity comparing reusable and disposable cleanroom coveralls.
“The results of the cleanroom coverall LCA support the conclusions from six other reusable/disposable studies that showed reusables provide a significant improvement in energy, environmental footprint, water, and energy-associated emissions,” said Michael Overcash, PhD, of Environmental Clarity, LLC.

CLICK HERE to view our Clean Green Sustainability Movement page.
About Prudential
Prudential Cleanroom Services is a division of Prudential Overall Supply, established 1932. Since 1960, Prudential Cleanroom Services is recognized as a world leader in cleanroom laundry processing services. Prudential’s network of ISO 9001: 2008 certified ISO Class 3 cleanroom laundry processing facilities extend throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
Release date: 10/21/2016
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply