Reusable vs. Disposable Cleanroom Garment Video Identifies Reusable Outperforms Disposable

Prudential Cleanroom Services, a world leader in cleanroom laundry service systems, today announced the Company has released a video that identifies reusable cleanroom garments outperform disposable cleanroom garments. The video information uses scientific test methods conducted by an independent laboratory.
Larry Ranta, President & Lab Director at CPC Laboratories, Inc. in Mission Viejo, CA explains, "This video examines the controversy of whether laundered reusable cleanroom garments or disposable cleanroom garments are a better barrier to particles. Prudential Cleanroom Services contracted with CPC Laboratories, Inc. to perform the Particle Dispersion Test (aka Body Box Test) described in the IEST standard. One reusable garment system and two disposable garment systems were tested for particle dispersion. Results showed that the reusable garment system dispersed 50% less particles than the disposable garment system during use in the cleanroom."
The video also explains, through animation, how this particle dispersion occurs. Other considerations favoring reusable garments include comfort, breathability and sustainability.
About Prudential:
Prudential Cleanroom Services is a division of Prudential Overall Supply, established 1932. Since 1960, Prudential Cleanroom Services is recognized as a world leader in cleanroom laundry processing services. Prudential's network of ISO 9001: 2008 certified ISO Class3 cleanroom laundry processing facilities extend throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Prudential Overall Supply provides image apparel and facility image and safety programs to business including work uniforms, casual and career apparel, entry and logo mats, paper products and other ancillary products and services.
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply