Transmittal Letter for Certificate of Recognition for Compliance 2010


Transmittal Letter for Certificate of Recognition for Compliance, Year 2010:

Congratulations for being in compliance with wastewater discharge limits and permit requirements of the Sanitation Districts for Year 2010.  The Districts are pleased to recognize your efforts by presenting you with a Certificate of Recognition.

The purpose of the certificate is to recognize industries that are in full compliance with their wastewater discharge requirements. Approximately 616 facilities that are Significant Industrial Users are being recognized for their efforts, including 90 companies who have remained in compliance for more than five consecutive years.  The following criteria were used to establish which industries were to  receive a certificate:

  • The discharger was required to be a Significant Industrial User (i.e., a discharger with wastewater flows greater than 25,000 gallons per day, a discharger subject to federal categorical pretreatment standards, or a discharger with a capability of adversely impacting the Districts sewerage system);
  • The discharger received no Notices of Violation during Year 2010. Violations could have included exceeding discharge limits, failure to pay wastewater disposal charges, or noncompliance with general permit conditions (including reporting requirements and Self-Monitoring Reports due dates);
  • The dischargers was not found to have contributed to equipment failure such as affluent flow meters, sampling devices, pH meters, spill containment system or rainwater diversion systems;
  • The discharger had appropriate industrial wastewater discharge permits for the facility.

Congratulations again for receiving a Certificate of Recognition.  Additionally, at the suggestion of a sanitation director, we are enclosing, for your use, a removable window display recognizing your achievements.  Please continue your efforts in order to maintain compliance during 2011.  If there are any corrections that you believe need to be made to the certificate, or if you have questions about the recognition program, please contact Harry Mehta, Senior Compliance Engineer of the Industrial Waste Section, at extension 2903 or e-mail at

Very truly yours,

Stehpen R. Maguin
David W. Snyder

Head, Industrial Waste Section

Click here to view the Transmittal Letter for Certificate of Recognition for Compliance, Year 2010

Release date: 08/08/2011

Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976

By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply

About the author

Jerry Martin is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Prudential Overall Supply, a leading provider of workplace uniforms and personal protective equipment (PPE) to a wide range of industries and organizations. Currently President of the Board of Directors for the American Reusable Textile Association (ARTA) where he works on projects to further the benefits of reusable textiles versus disposable alternatives. Martin also contributes to the Textile Rental Service Association (TRSA) where he is a former chairman of the association's Marketing & PR committee and helped establish TRSA’s international standard for its Clean Green certification program.