Uniform Solutions: How Your Textile Company Can Help You Go Green
Green uniform laundry services can help businesses reduce waste and lower costs
Water is the world's most precious resource. Humans rely on clean water to survive, to stay healthy, and to maintain proper hygiene. On the flip side, wastewater pollutes the environment and spreads illnesses among vulnerable populations.
Unfortunately, over one billion people around the world lack access to fresh water. Almost three billion have trouble finding a reliable water source. Meanwhile, companies and their employees generate gallons of wastewater every time they throw dirty uniforms in the washing machine.
And that's not the only environmental challenge facing businesses. Every time a customer or employee throws out a napkin, they add to the world's overburdened landfills, leading to more greenhouse gases, less biodiversity, and the poisoning of our soil and groundwater.
For the rest of this article click here: https://www.businessgreen.com/bg/sponsored/3027609/uniform-solutions-how-your-textile-company-can-help-you-go-green
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply