Is Your Job Over-Stressing You? Regain Control for a Healthier You
Work related stress is common with just about any job and in every industry. Even those work-at-home dream jobs you hear about have some level of stress associated with them. Stress is a double-edged sword. A small amount of stress can be beneficial, because it can help motivate us to be productive, do our best, and achieve the highest levels of quality.
On the other hand, too much stress is not good. It can cause us to become sick, experience headaches, and create risks to our health and well-being. Being able to recognize your current level of stress and developing effective ways to de-stress is essential for a healthier you. Review the following information to find out more and see if you are over-stressed.
Work environments where employees are given a dress code, and pretty much left to get their own work clothes, can cause stress for some people. They might not be able to afford the top brand labels or might still be wearing outdated styles. This can result in employees feeling insecure about their appearance, and therefore affecting stress levels. The best way to remedy this is by asking your employer to switch to standard work uniforms. When everyone dresses the same, it fosters an environment centered on equality.
Do you take work home with you?
Taking your work home with you cuts into your social time and stretches your time thin. You might not be getting plenty of sleep or allowing sufficient time with family and friends. As such, stress from work starts to creep into your home life, and could result in marital and relationship issues. Don’t let your job take control of you – take control of your job and leave work at work. It will still be there in the morning and is not going anywhere.
Schedule “ME” time.
To de-stress after working all day, set aside some “me” time and do something you enjoy. It could be hitting the gym to work out, soaking in a hot bubble bath, or curling up in comfy pajamas with your favorite book. All of these activities help alleviate stress.
Prioritize your work with realistic objectives.
At the beginning of your work day, make a list of objectives you want to reach by the end of the day, but keep it realistic. Whatever you do not get done, rather than stressing about it, simply move it to the top of your list for tomorrow. Prioritizing your work not only helps to make sure you are being productive, but also keeps you focused, while keeping stress to a minimum.
Stop saying “yes” to work commitments.
It is okay to say no if an employer asks you to work longer days or come in on your days off. Working an excessive amount of hours increases stress. While the extra money might sound nice, if you never get any time off to enjoy it, it is not worth the added stress.
Use your vacation time.
You would be surprised to learn most people never use all of their vacation time each year and often end up losing a week or more. You earned it; use it to get away for a relaxing vacation far away or a quiet stay-cation at home.
Stop letting work-related stress run your life by taking control with these useful tips above. If you are interested in learning more about implementing an employee uniform and work wear program at your place of employment, please feel free to contact Prudential Overall Supply today at 800-767-5536.