The Growing Trend of Pocket-less Work Uniforms
Ever popular in clean rooms, custom work shirts without pockets are turning up everywhere. Pocket-less work shirts and pants look like almost any other uniform, but have no pockets anywhere. Few uniform suppliers carry them, but those who do reap the benefits and offer them with many different customization options. Recently, many industries have considered the uniforms for many different reasons.
A New Trend in Uniforms
Some of the first industries that used pocket-less uniforms were the casino and pharmaceutical industries. Businesses with clean rooms also use them because it prevents the chances of contaminants and theft. Imagine how disastrous a pocket full of fuzz would be for someone working with sensitive electronic equipment.
Curbs Casual Theft
Companies whose workers have to handle money require uniforms free from pockets. This gives the workers less of a chance to slip money into their pockets. The same goes with the pharmaceutical industry and military and defense workers. It’s easy to smuggle small parts and components into pockets, creating a danger to other employees and the general public.
Protects Employees
In some professions, it can be dangerous for materials to get inside of pockets. For example, those working with gunpowder and other combustibles might be in danger if materials got on their uniforms. Just walking near a heat source could cause the uniform to go up in flames, which could kill the worker. Those working at meatpacking plants also prefer to work without pockets. Bacteria and other nasty things can get into their uniforms and contaminate hands or even the home.
Protects Businesses
Businesses lose a lot of money from theft each year. This causes profits to go down and expenses to go up. Pocket-less uniforms can help reduce these costs. In cleanroom environments, uniforms with pockets causes major risks. These pockets can introduce germs and lint into sensitive computer components. This can destroy equipment, which can cost a business many thousands, if not millions, of dollars.
Types of Pocket-less Uniforms
Pocket-less uniforms come in many different variations. T-shirts and polos are common options that have many different types of customizations. Short and long sleeve button-up shirts come in pocket-less varieties. Other types of tops available are jackets and lab coats. All of these tops come in many different colors and offer the ability for custom graphics and embroidery.
Pants come without pockets, too. Work pants come in many different materials and without pockets. Common pants materials are denim, twill, cotton, polyester, and nylon. However, depending on the type of industry, some materials are also banned. When companies encounter stringent rules, finding a uniform supplier that makes custom uniforms is paramount.
The Public has yet to Embrace It
Traditionally, clothing has pockets. It has been like this for hundreds of years. Therefore, many people and companies are having a hard time embracing pocket-less uniforms. However, many industries are forced to have strict uniform policies due to regulation. This is something that is more and more common– and for good reason.
For more information on custom uniforms, contact us at Prudential Overall Supply.

Photo courtesy of client’s website