

Prudential Overall Supply

Customer Reviews: How to Get the Best Ones and Correct Not So Pleasant Ones

"In today’s social media driven society, people are willing to share their customer service experiences, both good and bad. They might take to Twitter, post something on Facebook, or even..."

Prudential Overall Supply

On-Premises vs. Outsourced Laundry Services for Businesses

"In industries such as hospitality and healthcare, efficient laundry service is a major consideration. Many businesses prefer to manage this operation internally, but ensuring the budget for equipment, labor, maintenance,..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Handle Complaints and Suggestions in the Workplace

"There should be clearly defined guidelines and channels your employees can utilize whenever they have a complaint or a suggestion about their work environment and fellow employees. Ideally, you will..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Referral Program 101

"As a business owner, it’s up to you to capitalize on word-of-mouth, but encouraging clients to share their positive experiences isn’t always easy. They value their time just as much..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How Recent Graduates Were Able to Land Their Dream Jobs

"While you might hear in the news about how hard it is for recent college and university graduates to find jobs, let alone their dream job, there are still those..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Manage Your Time: What Multitasking Does to Your Brain

"If your job is like most people’s, you’re asked to do a lot of multitasking. In fact, the ability to multitask is often listed as a requirement for being considered..."