
Uniforms and Apparel

Prudential Overall Supply

Caring for Different Types of Uniforms

"There are many different types of work outfits that people wear on a daily basis around the country. Whether the company or the employees provide their uniforms, someone has to..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Dress for Success in the Office

"Work clothes generally consist of whatever employees wear to work on any given day. Many companies have strict dress codes to keep their employees looking their best. The reasons for..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Workplace Safety By The Numbers

"Workplace safety is essential for any business, no matter the industry. Having employees that are safe and healthy allows your organization to run smoothly and more effectively. It is important..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Buy Medical Scrubs for Your Job

"Medical scrubs are the uniform of choice for those in the medical field. Scrubs are essentially lightweight clothes that are comfortable when working long shifts, and they are relatively stain..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Combat Dust in the Workplace

"Wherever there is air, there is dust, often too small for detection by the human eye. At home, “dust bunnies” can be made up of the usual mix of dust..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Tips for Making the Best Uniform Decisions

"When your company decides to provide work clothes for the employees, it is a big decision. You have to consider how many employees you have, how much each uniform is,..."