Choosing Work Clothes: Types of Fabric Weaves
When you are deciding on what type of work clothes to purchase, the type and weave of material is going to be one of the deciding factors. Different materials affect the way that the clothes feel on the skin, how hot you might feel, and how you look. Many people assume that there are only a few types of weaves that make up their clothes, but this is simply not true.
- A thick, but smooth material is poplin. This material is usually made of cotton, but it can have other materials woven into it. Textile manufacturers create the material by interweaving a thick yarn into a thin, fine one. This results in a thick, but very smooth material. This material is popular in brands of casual shirts.
- One of the most recognizable materials is Oxford. This coarse, thick, and comfortable fabric is used in casual button up shirts. The fabric has a textured appearance, from two different colors and thicknesses of yarns woven in different directions. These shirts are heavier and suited for colder temperatures. Pinpoint and Royal Oxford materials are much finer and used in formal button-up shirts.
- Cotton twill is a weave that is used in many pants and even for denim. Twill is a diagonal weave that looks shimmery. The material can be run in different ways, making shirts look textured, such as with herringbone. However, this weave is usually not used with cotton for dress shirts. Denim is one of the more popular types of twill.
- Herringbone woven shirts are usually made up of wool. It is one of the most popular materials that make up high-end suits and many types of outerwear. The herringbone pattern looks like the skeleton of a herring fish.
- Broadcloth is a very fine textile material reserved for high-end dress shirts. The yarn is woven so tightly that the shirt shines. It is the most formal type of weave used in dress shirts. These shirts can show off exquisite patterns, and they look completely solid even with two colors woven together. The type of colored weaving is called end-on-end, which alternates two colors together in the weave. This gives shirts a very rich texture, more so than any of the other types of textiles.
- When you are looking at dress shirts, look for 100% cotton ones. All fine dress shirts should be made of cotton. All outerwear (for business suits) should be made of 100% wool. Instead of looking at the brand names on the labels, judge the quality of the shirt by the weave. The highest quality shirts have the finest weave. This means that the smoother the shirt, the higher the quality it is.
By taking your time picking out work shirts and clothing, you can make sure that you are buying clothes that will be comfortable for you to wear on a daily basis. Choose based on the type of work you will be doing and the quality that you need. In addition, always make sure that you dress according to the dress code and environment in which you work.
For more information about work uniforms, contact us at Prudential Overall Supply.