

Prudential Overall Supply

Prudential Overall Supply: Keeping You Safe Since 1932!

"From high visibility safety vests to cleanroom uniforms, the right apparel can make or break a workplace. In 1932, automotive garages throughout Los Angeles came to Prudential Overall Supply to..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Must-Have Skills for Any Job

"What are “soft skills?” Unlike specific technical skills (like a degree in a certain field or familiarity with a particular software), soft skills are more general abilities that apply to..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Make Your Business More Efficient

"In the business world, efficiency isn't just about streamlining processes and purchasing the best tools and technology. In fact, increasing your company's efficiency is often less about output and profit..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Wait … HOW Often Should I Sanitize My Hands?

"Over the past decade, people have been instructed they should frequently wash their hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizers in between. Even still, there is much debate..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Dirty Aprons & Messy Floors – What’s Your First Impression?

"The first impression a brick and mortar business makes with its customers is directly related to the appearance of its employees and its facilities. It does not matter whether you..."

Prudential Overall Supply

The Benefits of Prudential Cleanroom Services vs. Competitors

"When you run a cleanroom, the most important aspect is the ability to keep everything inside appropriately sanitized. All employees must wear specialized cleanroom garments, and these garments must be..."