What Really Makes Cleanroom Protective Gear “Protective”?
When discussing protective gear and how it helps provide protection, it largely depends upon the work environment. There is protective work apparel designed to help reduce the risks of exposure to the elements and extreme temperatures, as well as clothing to protect against the spread of diseases and illnesses.
Besides providing protection to the person wearing the gear, cleanroom clothing and apparel also serve another purpose – to prevent contaminants from being brought into the work environment.

One of the most common pieces of cleanroom apparel is the coverall that is worn over scrubs and which is often referred to as a bunny suit. Their primary purpose is to keep the cleanroom free from contaminants. Supplemental protection may be needed through the use of various aprons or covers. When selecting the appropriate aprons and frocks, you want to verify they have been designed to provide protection to the wearer for the chemicals or compounds being handled.
Another vital piece of cleanroom gear consists of the booties worn over proper shoes. Just like the bunny suit, booties do not provide protection from hazardous materials or heavy objects and are designed to keep the cleanroom clean, so always make sure to wear the correct protective shoes under the booties.
Your hands also require protection, to either prevent contaminating the cleanroom or when working with various materials, by selecting the proper types of gloves. It is not uncommon to use several different types of gloves in the same work environment. For instance, you may be required to wear latex or nitrile gloves before entering the cleanroom, and then use various types of protective gloves over these to perform various tasks and functions.

The last area of the body that should be covered is the head and face. There are different types of face masks, safety goggles, and other such products. Most bunny suits include hoods, so you do not need a separate head covering. Just remember that most of the head and face protection items are designed to keep the cleanroom free from outside contamination. As such, additional protection or different types of personal protective gear and clothing are often required in higher risks work environments.
Avoiding contamination in a cleanroom is essential to prevent altering the outcome of research or an experiment, or to help ensure the highest quality products. Employees should be trained in what to do in the event they notice small tears or rips in their cleanroom uniforms, as well as procedures to follow during accidents, for their own protection. To obtain cleanroom clothing and apparel, or other personal protection equipment, contact Prudential Overall Supply at (800) 767-5536 to learn more about our wide selection of products, and our leasing, rental, and purchasing options today!