What Is the ISO 9001:2015 Certification?
ISO 9001:2015 Certification is the most recent version of the standard. The millions of organizations that hold it have, and continue to demonstrate, full compliance with several standards. In order to obtain it, however, companies must adhere to several principles which are characteristics of quality management.
Relationships are a large part of compliance with the certification. In addition to demonstrating a dedication to customer satisfaction, ISO 9001 requires businesses to also be dedicated to empowering their employees. Other business relationships, such as those with suppliers, must also be properly managed and maintained.
The leadership within a company needs to consistently ensure all organizational processes are aligned and to also oversee processes and that employees support the objectives of the company. Continual improvement at all levels and seeking new avenues for success are also characteristics of certification holders.
The PDCA cycle helps companies to adhere to the above principles by providing them with a process that outlines the best ways to ensure alignment and compliance business-wide. The PDCA cycle includes policy planning and checking actions in order to meet objectives. Have questions? There’s more information about the ISO 9001: 2015 certification; just check out this infographic from Prudential Overall Supply.