
Uniforms and Apparel

Different Types of Work Wear and Uniforms

What Are the Different Types of Work Wear?

"Uniforms and workwear have long played an important role in employee safety, productivity, and company cohesion. Supplying employees with uniforms and appropriate workwear has also been shown to offer a..."

Prudential Overall Supply

How to Choose the Right Scrubs for Your Body Type

"When choosing medical scrubs for your job, you need to make sure they fit correctly and follow all uniform policies. In order to get the right fit, you’ll have to..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Professional Identity: The Power of the Uniform

"When we need help, whether we’re in a grocery store, an insurance office, or a movie theater—it’s instinctual to look for the person in uniform for assistance. Uniforms are not..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Avoid Cross Contamination with Our Food Processing Uniforms

"Prudential Overall Supply is more than just a basic uniform company. We are a company that provides uniforms, yes -- but, we are also a company that strives to meet..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Ensuring Food Safety With HACCP

"Have you ever gotten food poisoning? According to the statistics, chances are you have. Every year, tens of millions of people become the victims of foodborne illnesses. Foodborne illnesses are..."

Prudential Overall Supply

Top 10 Ways to Build Employee Morale

"Research has demonstrated that happy employees are more productive, by a margin of 12 percent.(1) All an employer has to do is make employees happy, and productivity growth should follow,..."